Web Design guide from a Business perspective

Improve your website to get more business results.

A free 5-day email guide to help you transform your website into a successful marketing asset

You don't care about Web design stuff like padding, gradients, overlay, relative position....

And that’s not what you’ll find in this guide

But you do care about getting more sales, solving your prospects pain points, building trust....

And your website is here to help you achieve those business goals

A well-made website combined with a
strategy can help you achieve just that.

A website is and should be a marketing asset for your business and help you drive more sales, better qualify prospects and save you time.

In this free guide you will find:

The important parts of a good business website.

Actionable steps to improve your site on each part.

Downloadable cheat sheets, real use-cases, videos & more.

Here's the 5-days content

Get the guide
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Day 01

Understanding your website goals

What can a website help you do ? How to use it and when ?

Day 02

How to fit your website into your sales funnel

Making your website great for your buyer personas, understanding customer maturity and how to interact with visitors’ psychology

Day 03

How to design the perfect User Experience

Grabbing your visitors’ attention, keeping it to guide them towards action, and making their experience smooth to gain trust & authority

Day 04

How to create an efficient and aesthetical Design

Making the perfect design for your personas, promoting your branding through visual identity, Using animations
to create a memorable experience

Day 05

How to make your website easy to edit

How to use an efficient CMS to avoid the hassle of spending hours modifying your website, how to optimize page load speed and create an agile website

Transform your website into a successful marketing asset

A free 5-day email guide on web design from a business perspective.

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